Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Gathering of Personal Information

At Avondale Grange Retirement Village, we prioritise each person’s privacy. In delivering products and services and endless efforts towards the betterment of our community, we may need to gather some personal information from all stakeholders.


With your utmost consent, we collect this information directly from you or via lawful channels to maintain transparency and trust among our community members. However, there may be situations where obtaining information directly from you may not be feasible. We might have to glean the necessary information from other sources in such circumstances. If we cannot collect this pertinent information, it could impinge on our ability to provide certain services.

There might be instances when we need to share some of your details with our service providers, various health professionals, or government bodies. This would only occur in the usual course of delivering our services or conducting administrative tasks and always in compliance with regulatory frameworks such as the Privacy Act, State and Territory laws, and those governing health records.

We also highlight that, occasionally, the necessity arises to share your data with offshore service providers. Rest assured, our Privacy Policy contains a detailed list of the countries where these providers are situated.

Our Privacy Policy, the symbol of our commitment to maintaining your privacy, provides guidelines for accessing or using your personal information. It also plays a crucial role in detailing procedures for lodging any privacy-related complaint. We welcome your communication whenever you need to review or revise the information we hold about you or if there are concerns about how your data is used.


Please reach out to us – in writing. 

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Remember that you are not just stakeholders; you are pillars of this community, and your privacy is significant to us. Together, let’s uphold the values of efficiency, cleanliness, and sustainability while fostering a stronger, more vibrant community.

Privacy Policy

At Avondale Grange Retirement Village, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care and accommodation services to older Australians and various related services and products. We understand the importance of protecting your privacy and creating meaningful relationships built on trust. With this in mind, we have crafted our Privacy Policy to emphasise transparency and respect for your personal information to uphold our commitment to the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, hold, use, and disclose your personal information. By applying for or using any of the products or services we provide or share your personal information with us, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

The Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect It

We need to collect specific personal information from you to provide you with the requested products or services. We believe in obtaining precise and accurate information; therefore, whenever reasonable and practical, we collect your personal information directly from you. We understand that different products or services may require sensitive information, so we may also collect that from you when necessary.

Why We Collect Personal Information

We value efficiency, cleanliness, and sustainability. Thus, collecting personal information is essential to deliver personalised care, meet your unique needs, and ensure your wellbeing within our community. This allows us to understand your requirements better and cater to them effectively.

We acknowledge the potential concerns and objections related to sharing personal information. Your trust and participation in this process allow us to create a caring community that puts your needs at the forefront. We welcome any feedback, concerns, or suggestions you may have.

Let us work together to build a well-rounded, secure and inclusive community for all at Avondale Grange Retirement Village.

Types of Information We Collect

As a community that values your privacy, we go to great lengths to provide you with the requested products or services tailored to your unique needs. We must collect specific personal and sensitive information from you to achieve this goal. Please be assured that we handle this information with the utmost care and respect for your privacy.

Personal Information

We may collect personal information that includes, but is not limited to:

  • Name, gender, and date of birth
  • Contact details, including phone numbers, address, email address
  • Financial information, such as your financial institution account details
  • Government identifiers, like your Medicare number
  • Location information
Sensitive Information

Sensitive information encompasses details about your:

  • Health
  • Personal and social preferences
  • Religion or faith requirements
  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Genetic and biometric data
  • Video, images, audio, and other types of data gathered from monitoring devices (e.g., CCTV, personal care alarms)
Collection Methods for Personal and Sensitive Information

To gather precise and accurate details, we adopt various methods to collect personal and sensitive information from you. These include:

  • In writing, through forms
  • Over the Internet, via our website, Apps, email, online forms, Web Chat, and surveys. 
  • Verbally over the phone or in person
  • Through monitoring devices

 Our policy is to collect your personal information directly when reasonable and practicable. However, if we are unable to gather the needed details directly, we may also collect information from other sources, such as:

  • Family members
  • Appointed representatives (e.g., enduring guardian)
  • Medical practitioners, allied health providers, or other professional experts
  • Service providers, like medical and allied health professionals, and their agents or subcontractors
  • Agents or distributors
  • Statutory authorities or government departments
  • Publicly held information, including public registers or websites
We acknowledge the concerns that may arise from sharing personal and sensitive information. We encourage you to voice your thoughts, questions, or suggestions regarding our information collection process. By working together, we can foster a thriving community centred on trust, privacy, and respect for all members.
Your Choices Regarding Personal Information

At Avondale Grange Retirement Village, we respect your right to privacy. Please understand that you are free to choose whether or not to provide us with your personal information. However, should you decide not to do so, we may face limitations in assisting you or providing certain services or products tailored to your needs.

Our Utilisation of Personal Information

As a value-driven community, we collect, hold, use, and disclose personal information for various meaningful and practical purposes. Such purposes exhibit our focus on simplicity and efficiency.

Primary Purposes

Our primary reasons for collecting personal information are to offer you the most suitable services while considering your unique preferences and requirements. These primary purposes include:

  • Responding to your enquiries in the most effective way.
  • Reviewing your applications for our range of services, including aged care, retirement village, home care, accommodation and social care services or training services.
  • Facilitating medical practitioners, allied health providers, and other professional experts in providing care and services tailored to your needs.
  • Informing you about other products or services we may offer.
  • Conducting research, including market or academic research projects, in partnership with educational institutions.
  • Assessing your application for employment or volunteering opportunities with us.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness and appropriateness of our offerings.
  • Upholding the quality of our services via improvement initiatives, auditing, and training.
  • Any other purposes we communicate to you when we collect your personal information or that you otherwise agree to.
Secondary Purposes

Further, we may use or disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

  • Where you have given your consent, perhaps under an agreement with us.
  • When it aligns with a secondary purpose connected to the primary purpose, and where you would reasonably expect us to use or disclose your information.
  • If we reasonably believe the use or disclosure is necessary to prevent or diminish a severe and immediate threat to an individual’s life, wellbeing, safety, or broader public health and safety.
  • As authorised or mandated by law.

We may also disclose your personal information to various parties, such as:

  • Our agents, service providers, and related entities.
  • Your family members or individuals authorised by you or responsible for you.
  • Health service providers, including allied health professionals, medical practitioners, and other external health agencies.
  • Government departments and agencies and statutory authorities.
  • Our professional advisors.
  • Other parties as per legal requirements or authorisation.

In all interactions with medical practitioners, allied health providers, various service providers, agents, contractors, or distributors, we adhere to stringent steps to protect all disclosed personal information, ensuring they comply with all pertinent privacy laws. As always, we welcome any questions or feedback you may have about how we manage personal information.

Our Communication through Personal Information

Sometimes, we use or disclose your personal information to contact you. Our modes of contact range from post, telephone, SMS, email, or other electronic methods, with the prime intention to acquaint you with information and offers about our services and those afforded by related organisations. We acknowledge the importance of your consent in receiving these communications. Should you wish to ‘opt out’ at any point, you can contact us directly at 1300 520 919. Alternatively, each communication will be furnished with clear instructions for opting out.

Ensuring the Security of Your Personal Information

Our commitment to your privacy extends to how we hold and secure your personal information. We conscientiously hold your data in a mix of hard copy and electronic forms, ensuring that your information is duly protected against misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.

We hold onto your personal information for the duration required to provide you with our services or for any legally mandated period. Once your information is no longer needed, we take prudent steps to destroy or permanently de-identify it securely.

Accessing and Updating Your Personal Information
You maintain the right to request access to your personal information that we hold. To facilitate an efficient evaluation of your request, we may ask you to submit your request in writing or complete a form. In specific scenarios, we may charge a nominal fee to cover the costs of retrieving, copying, and sending out the information but rest assured; there won’t be a charge solely for making the request. Occasionally, we may have to decline a request for access to personal information, especially if we no longer retain the information or if the law restricts or disallows providing access. If we cannot meet your access request, we will clarify why the request could not be granted. Active involvement ensures the accuracy and completeness of your personal information. Although we endeavour to ensure that the personal information we collect, hold, use or disclose is accurate and up-to-date, we depend on you to notify us of any changes in your personal information. If you believe your personal information in our hold needs to be updated, completed, or updated, you can contact us, and we will promptly update it.
Raising a Privacy-Related Complaint

If you have any complaints regarding our handling of your personal information, or if you believe there has been a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or our Privacy Policy, you have the option to reach out to us directly:

We are committed to resolving all complaints efficiently and effectively, in line with our active complaint-handling procedures. If you are unsatisfied with our response or the manner in which your complaint was handled, we encourage you to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

Privacy Policy Modifications

Please note that we reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any point. Changes will come into effect once the revised Privacy Policy is displayed on our website.

Your continuous use of our products or services, or further provision of personal information to us post the revision of our Privacy Policy, will be considered an acceptance of the policy updates.


Please kindly note that this Privacy Policy holds relevance to any connected entity unless a related entity specifies otherwise.

Set at the foothills of the Illawarra Escarpment in New South Wales, Avondale Grange is a one-of-a-kind community village for over 55’s offering premium two and three bedroom residences. Avondale Grange is more than just retirement village; it’s a lifestyle destination. Enjoy the freedom of low-maintenance living, the warmth of community connections, and the assurance of healthcare excellence, all set against the stunning panorama of the Illawarra Range.
Set at the foothills of the Illawarra Escarpment in New South Wales, Avondale Grange is a one-of-a-kind community village for over 55’s offering premium two and three bedroom residences. Avondale Grange is more than just retirement village; it’s a lifestyle destination. Enjoy the freedom of low-maintenance living, the warmth of community connections, and the assurance of healthcare excellence, all set against the stunning panorama of the Illawarra Range.
Your Perfect
Retirement Lifestyle Awaits

Ready to embark on an extraordinary living experience at Avondale Grange? Discover more and secure your future villa by connecting with our dedicated sales team on 1300 520 919 or completing the form below.